Ovation Boats at Electrika 2025
Established in 2005 by Chris Williams, Ovation Boats is celebrating 20 years in business, gaining along the way an impressive reputation for experience, quality, integrity and customer care.
Whilst the initial business focused on Surveying, Recreational Craft Directive (RCD/RCR), Boat Safety Scheme (BSS) and gas installation / testing (GSR) the company expanded into building new boats in 2017 with the focus on high-quality and excellent customer service both throughout and post construction.
Ovation Boats began 2025 by starting its 25th boat build, giving an average of 3 boats per year since 2017, and with a successful Surveying business you can be sure all requirements of RCD/RCR regulations are up to date and met, as can be evidenced in every boat built!
At Electrika 2025 Ovation Boats will be showing a 42’ Charnwood Hobbit, a 4-berth narrow boat with L shaped lounge & diesel stove, galley with gas cooking, shower room with large shower cubicle and rear day/ sleeping cabin.
Driven by a Lynch Marlin 8kW electric motor and powered by four Pylontech US5000 48V 100Ah Lithium batteries, supported by 1.2kW of solar, the Charnwood Hobbit is designed to give 8-10 hours of cruising. A Beta Gen10 cocooned diesel generator 8.5kW is available along with 70amp of shoreline charging.
The Charnwood Hobbit is the third Hybrid built by Ovation Boats, the first being a Hybrid Marine Beta with traction batteries and the second, a Hybrid Marine Barrus with Lithium batteries, both of which were gas free.
For more information about the Charnwood Hobbit or having a bespoke boat built to your own design please visit our website www.ovationboats.co.uk or contact chris@ovationboats.co.uk .
Potential customers can visit our workshop (by appointment) to see our current boat builds (NG11 0EB) or alternatively can pop in during our regular Saturday Open Days. Details of which can be found on our website!